
Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

By News Jan 13, 2021 | 10:16 AM

Wise World of Wellen presented by Salem Eye Clinic

  1. The surface area of the five Great Lakes combined is roughly the same size as the entire United Kingdom.
  2. Hall and Oates met when they were both at a concert in Philadelphia . . . and a GANG fight broke out. They hopped in the same elevator to get away from gunshots, found out they both went to Temple University, and they became friends.
  3. It’s impossible to poison a possum. They produce a protein that basically neutralizes ANY poison that enters their body. And scientists are trying to use it to build a universal poison antidote for people.
  4. The busiest McDonald’s in the world is in Moscow, Russia. It serves at least 850,000 people per year, which is twice as much as the average American McDonald’s.
  5. In every glass of water you drink, there’s at least one molecule of water that’s been on Earth since dinosaurs existed.